A Community For Creative Women

Discover how to be the “her” you’ve always wanted to be



Listen in for:

  • Business growth tips from Made By Her founder, Tiffany Millen, for nature-inspired women artists

  • Down to earth real talk about how to balance business ownership while being a wife, stay at home mom, and Netflix addict

  • Getting past mindset blocks so you can achieve your artistic dreams

Do you think like a business owner or a creative hobbyist?

Tiffany Millen
Founder, Made By Her, Inc.

We see small business for what it is… personal.

You will become the average of the five people you spend the most time with
…Do you have the right community?

Join a community that will encourage, connect, & equip you with the strategies and ongoing support every business owner needs to be successful. We are a group of authentic, driven, and like-minded artists, here to support you so you don’t have to keep doing everything alone.



Turn your beautiful art into a beautiful, flourishing business

You have worked your butt off to become great at making beautiful things. Your work, your dream, and your life’s overall happiness depends on you learning how to sell with passion and stand out in a crowded online space so you can expand beyond just local markets that zap your energy.

With monthly coaching sessions, go-at-your-own-pace mini courses, and more, the Artisan Coaching Studio is here to help you go from creating that beautiful thing to creating a beautiful business from it as well.

Invest in yourself, for the sake of your business

Tired of spending days, weeks, or even years searching the internet for answers but only finding vague descriptions and suggestions of what to do next? Let’s work together, one-on-one, to create a clear plan of how to sell your handmade work and finally be seen as the serious artist that you are.

Value Guaranteed

If there was something you knew for certain would help you get more sales so you could turn your favorite artistic hobby into full time income, would you do it?

If so, this is the program for you… I guarantee it with a money back guarantee. If you don’t find value in the first DAY with my content, I’ll give you 100% of your money back. I don’t like gambling on things when I don’t know I’ll get my money back so I can’t ask you to either.